Last modified 06/2019
Selected publications by Irina Artemieva
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The Lithosphere book by Artemieva. Cambridge
Artemieva I.M., 2011.
The lithosphere:
An interdisciplinary

Cambridge University Press,
794 pp., ISBN 9780521843966.

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International Lithosphere
Programme ILP
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Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., Kennett B., (Eds.), 2013.
Moho: 100 years after Andrija Mohorovičić.
Tectonophysics Sp. Iss., v. 609
and Elsevier book-on-demand,  734 pp.

Pasyanos M. and Artemieva I.M. (Eds.), 2010.
Insights into the Earth’s Deep Lithosphere.
Tectonophysics. 481(1-4), 126 pp.  

Artemieva I.M., Mooney W.D., Thybo H., and Perchuc E. (Eds), 2002.
Structure of the continental lithosphere and upper mantle.
Tectonophysics. 358 (1-4), 266 pp.        
Edited special volumes
Scientific research monograph
Artemieva I.M., 2011.
The lithosphere: An interdisciplinary approach.
Cambridge University Press, Monograph,
794 pp., ISBN 9780521843966.
Papers on thermal regime of continental lithosphere: global studies
Papers on secular evolution of the continental lithosphere: global studies
Papers on crustal studies
Papers on lithosphere deformation and anisotropy
Papers on thermal regime and lithosphere heterogeneity of tectonically active continental regions
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Irina M. Artemieva
Geology Section, IGN
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 10
Copenhagen DK-1350
Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., Jakobsen K., Sørensen N.K., Nielsen L.S.K., 2017.
Heat production in granitic rocks: Global analysis based on a new data compilation GRANITE2017.
Earth Science Reviews, 172, 1-26.
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Artemieva I.M., 2006.
Global 1°x1° thermal model TC1 for the continental lithosphere: implications for lithosphere
secular evolution.
Tectonophysics, 416, 245-277.
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Artemieva I.M. and Mooney W.D., 2001.
Thermal structure and evolution of Precambrian lithosphere: A global study.
J. Geophys. Res., v.106, 16387-16414.
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Artemieva I.M., 1989.
Influence of volatiles in the upper mantle on the dynamics of thermal thinning of the lithosphere.
J. Geodynam., 11(1), 77-97.
Artemieva I.M., 2019.
The lithosphere structure of the European continent from thermal isostasy.
Earth-Science Rev., 188, 454-468    
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Artemieva I.M., 2019.
Lithosphere thermal thickness and geothermal heat flux in Greenland from a new thermal
isostasy method.
Earth-Science Reviews, 188, 469-481.       
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Artemieva I.M., 1993.
Petrochemical data as an indicator of a deep heat regime of intraplate continental areas of magmatic activity.
J. Soc. Resource Geology, B16, 82-93.
Artemieva I.M. and Gliko A.O., 1989.
Geophysical conditions and the mechanism of the Tien Shan Cenozoic uplift.
Gerlands Beitrage  zur Geophysik, 98(2), 1-13.
Mooney W.D., Artemieva I.M., Detweiler S.T., Billien M., and Leveque J.-J., 2003.
Supplementing ground truth data with shear-wave velocity, seismic attenuation and thermal structure of the continental lithosphere.
In: Seismic Research Review "Nuclear explosion monitoring: Building the knowledge base",
NNSA publ., v. 25(1), 83-97.
Mooney W.D., Coleman R.G., Reddy P.R., Artemieva I.M., Billien M., Lévêque J.-J., and Detweiler S.T., 2001.
A review of new seismic constraints of crust and mantle structure from China and India coupled with seismic Qs and temperature
estimates for the upper mantle.
In:  Seismic Research Review "Worldwide monitoring of nuclear explosions",
NNSA publ., v. 23, 90-99.
Meissner R., Mooney W.D., and Artemieva I.M., 2002.
Mantle escape inferred from seismic anisotropy in young continental orogens.
Geophys. J. Int., 149, 1-14.
Artemieva I.M., 2001.
In situ transport and seismic properties of reservoir and hot dry rock.
In: Julie A.Hood (Ed.), "Advances in Anisotropy: Selected Theory, Modeling, and Case Studies", SEG Publ., Houston, TX, 215-238.
Artemieva I.M., 1997.
In situ permeability of hot dry rock.
In: M.F. Middleton (Ed.), Fractured reservoirs.
Nordic Petroleum Technology Series, Part 1, Goteborg, 99-124.
Artemieva I.M., 1996.
The dependence of transport properties of in situ rocks on pore fluid composition and temperature.
Surveys in Geophysics,  17(3), 289-306.
Artemieva I.M. and Chesnokov E.M., 1991.
Thermal parameters of anisotropic media with inclusions.
Geophys. J. Intern., 107(3), 557-562.
Artemieva I.M. and Shulgin A., 2019.
Making and altering the crust: A global perspective on crustal structure and evolution.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,  512, 8-16; 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.01.033
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Teknik V., Ghods A., Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., 2019.
Crustal density structure of NW Iranian Plateau.
Canadian J. Earth Sci.
Kashubin S., Petrov O., Artemieva I. M., A. Morozov, and 9 more authors, 2018.
Crustal structure of the Mendeleev Rise and the Chukchi Plateau (Arctic Ocean) along the Russian wide-angle and multichannel
seismic reflection experiment “Arctic-2012”.
J. Geodynamics, 119, 107-122.   
Xia B., Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., 2017.
Seismic crustal structure of the North China Craton and surrounding area: synthesis and analysis.
J. Geophys. Res., 122, 27 pp., DOI: 10.1002/2016JB013848.
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Starostenko, V.I., Janik T., Stephenson R., Gryn D., Rusakov O., Czuba W., Sroda P., Grad M., Guterch A., Flueh E., Thybo H., Artemieva I.
M., and 8 authors more, 2017.
DOBRE-2 WARR profile: the Earth’s upper crust across Crimea between the Azov Massif and the northeastern Black Sea.
Geol. Soc. London, 428, 199-220,   
Petrov O., A. Morozov, S. Shokalsky, S. Kashubin, I. M. Artemieva**, N. Sobolev, E. Petrov, R.E. Ernst, S. Sergeev, M. Smelror, 2016.
Crustal structure and tectonic model of the Arctic region.
Earth Science Reviews, 154, 29-71
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Starostenko, V.I., Janik T., Yegorova T., Farfuliak L., Czuba W., Sroda P., Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., and 11 authors more, 2015.
Seismic model of the crust and upper mantle in the  Scythian platform: the DOBRE-5 profile across the Northwestern Black sea
and the Crimean peninsula.
Geophys. J. Int., 201, 406-428.
Artemieva I.M. and Thybo H., 2013.
EUNAseis: a seismic model for Moho and crustal structure in Europe, Greenland, and the North Atlantic region.
Tectonophysics, 609, 97-153
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Cherepanova Yu., Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., Chemia Z., 2013.
Crustal structure of the Siberian Craton and the West Siberian Basin: An appraisal of existing seismic data.
Tectonophysics, 609, 154-183
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Youssof M., Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., Levander A., 2013.
Moho depth and crustal composition in southern Africa.
Tectonophysics, 609, 267-287
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Thybo H. and Artemieva I.M., 2013.
Moho and magmatic underplating in continental lithosphere.
Tectonophysics, 609, 605-619
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Prodehl C., Kennett B., Artemieva I., Thybo H., 2013.
100 years of research on the Moho.
Tectonophysics, 609, 9-44
Thybo H., Artemieva I.M., Kennett B., 2013.
Moho: 100 years after Andrija Mohorovičić.
Tectonophysics, 609, 1-8
Artemieva I.M. and Meissner R., 2012.
Crustal thickness controlled by plate tectonics: a review of crust-mantle interaction processes illustrated by European examples.
Tectonophysics, v. 530-531, 18–49.
Starostenko V., T. Janik, K. Kolomiyets, W. Czuba, P. Środa, M. Grad, I. Kovács, R. Stephenson, D. Lysynchuk, H. Thybo, Artemieva I.
M., V. Omelchenko, O. Gintov, R. Kutas, D. Gryn, A. Guterch, E. Hegedűs, K. Komminaho, O. Legostaeva, T. Tiira, A. Tolkunov, 2013.
Seismic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along profile PANCAKE across the Carpathians between the Pannonian
Basin and the East European Craton.
Tectonophysics, 608, 1049-1072.
Artemieva I.M., 2002.
Continental Crust.
In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO,
EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK []. Chapter
Papers on regional geodynamics
Yang H., Chemia Z., Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., 2018.
Control on off-rift magmatism - A case study of Baikal Rift System.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 482, 501-509
Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., Shulgin A., 2016.
Geophysical constraints on geodynamical processes at convergent margins: a global perspective.
Gondwana Research, 33, 4-23.   
Artemieva I.M. and Shulgin A., 2015.
Is the Proterozoic Ladoga Rift (SE Baltic Shield) a rift?  
Precambrian Research, 259, 34-42.     
Maupin V., Agostini A., Artemieva I., Balling N., Beekman F., Ebbing J., England R.W., Frassetto A., Gradmann S., Jacobsen B. H.,
Köhler A., Kvarven T., Medhus A.B., Mjelde R., Ritter J., Stratford W., Thybo H., Wawerzinek B. and Weidle C., 2013.
The deep structure of the Scandes and possible relations to its tectonic history and present topography.
Tectonophysics, 602, 15-37,
Cloetingh S., Ziegler P., Bodaard P., Andriessen P., Artemieva I., Bada G., van Balen R.T., Ben-Avraham Z., Brun J.-P., Bunge H.P.,
Burov E., Carbonell R., Facenna C., Gallard J., Green A., Heidbach O., Jones A., Matenco L., Mosar J., Oncken O., Pascal C., Peters G.,
Sliaupa S., Soesoo A., Spakman W., Stephenson R., Thybo H., Torsvik T., de Vicente G., Wenzel F., Wortel R., and Topo-Europe
Working Group, 2007.
Topo-Europe – the geoscience of coupled deep Earth – surface processes.
Global Planet. Change, v. 58, 1-118
Anell, I., Thybo, H., and Artemieva, I., 2009
Cenozoic uplift and subsidence in the North Atlantic region: Geological evidence revisited.
Tectonophysics, 474, 78-105
Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., and Kaban M.K., 2006.
Deep Europe today: Geophysical synthesis of the upper mantle structure and lithospheric processes over 3.5 By.
In: D. Gee and R. Stephenson (Eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geol. Soc. London. Mem. v. 32, 14-41.
Artemieva I.M. and Thybo H., 2008.
Deep Norden: Highlights of the lithospheric structure of Northern Europe, Iceland, and Greenland.
Episodes, v. 31(1), 98-106.
Elesin Y., T. Gerya,  I.M. Artemieva,  H. Thybo, 2010.
Samovar: a thermo-mechanical code for modeling of geodynamic processes in the lithosphere – application to basin evolution.
In: F. Roure (Editor), ILP Special Issue on Sedimentary basins.
Arabian J. Geosciences, 3(4), 477-497
Papers on seismic tomography
Youssof  M., Thybo H., Levander A., and Artemieva I.M., 2015.
Upper mantle structure beneath southern African cratons from seismic finite-frequency P- and S- body wave tomography.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 420, 174-186.
Foulger G.R., Panza G.F., Artemieva I.M., Bastow I.D., Cammarano F., Evans J.R., Hamilton W.B., Julian B.R., Lustrino M., Thybo H.,
Yanovskaya T.B., 2013.
Caveats on tomographic images.
Terra Nova, 25(4), 259-281, DOI: 10.1111/ter.12041
Supplementary data
Foulger G.R., Panza G.F., Artemieva I.M., Bastow I.D., Cammarano F., Doglioni C., Evans J.R., Hamilton W.B., Julian B.R., Lustrino M.,
Thybo H., Yanovskaya T.B., 2015.
Teleseismic tomography: The challenges ahead.
EOS, 96(17), 10-15; doi:10.1029/2015EO034319
Papers on thermo-chemical heterogeneity of lithosphere mantle
Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., Cherepanova Y., 2019.
Isopycnicity of cratonic mantle restricted to kimberlite provinces.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 505, 13-19.
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Artemieva I.M., Vinnik L.P., 2016.
Density structure of the cratonic mantle in southern Africa: 1. Implications for dynamic topography.
Gondwana Res., 39, 204-216.          
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Artemieva I.M., Vinnik L.P., 2016.
Density structure of the cratonic mantle in southern Africa: 2. Correlations with kimberlite distribution, seismic velocities and
Moho sharpness.
Gondwana Res., 36, 14-27.
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Herceg* M., Artemieva I.M., Thybo H., 2016.
Sensitivity analysis of crustal correction for calculation of lithospheric mantle density from gravity data.
Geophys. J. Int. , 204, 738-747.  
Cherepanova Y. and Artemieva I.M., 2015.
Density heterogeneity of cratonic lithospheric mantle: A case study of the Siberian craton.
Gondwana Research, 28, 1344-1360.
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Artemieva I.M., 2009.
The continental lithosphere: Reconciling thermal, seismic, and petrologic data
Lithos, 109, 23-46, doi /10.1016/j.lithos. 2008.09.015
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Artemieva I.M., 2007.
Dynamic topography of the East European Craton: Shedding light upon the lithospheric structure,composition and mantle
Global and Planetary Change, v. 58, 411-434
Artemieva I.M., Billien M., Leveque J.-J., and Mooney W., 2004.
Shear-wave velocity, seismic attenuation, and thermal structure of the continental upper mantle.
Geophys. J. Int., 157, 607-628.
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Kaban M.K., Schwintzer P., Artemieva I.M., and Mooney W.D., 2003.
Density of continental roots: compositional and thermal effects.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 209, 53-69.
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Artemieva I.M., 2003.
Lithospheric structure, composition, and thermal regime of the East European craton:
Implications for the subsidence of the Russian Platform.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 213, 429-444.
Artemieva I.M. and Mooney W.D., 2002.
On the relation between cratonic lithosphere thickness, plate motions, and basal drag.
Tectonophysics, 358, 211-231.
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Artemieva I.M., Mooney W.D., Perchuc E., and Thybo H., 2002.
Processes of lithosphere evolution: New evidence on the structure of the continental crust and upper mantle.
Tectonophysics, 358, 1-15.
Artemieva I.M., 2012.
A lithospheric perspective on structure and evolution of Precambrian cratons.
In: D.G. Roberts and A.W. Bally (Eds.), Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis. Vol. A, 95-111,
Elsevier, ISBN 13:978-0-444-53042-4.
Papers on thermal regime of continental lithosphere: regional studies